Services and Specialties

Special Education Consultation and Diagnostic Assessments

All individuals have the ability to learn and succeed. With advanced pedagogical practices, educators and psychologists can teach individuals with special needs to develop the awareness of how they best learn in conventional school systems and can become assertive advocates in their academic future, professional careers and personal endeavours. Our special education professionals assist families, schools and universities with creating the optimal learning environment through expertise in diagnostic-prescriptive methods of teaching. Along with the deep understanding of different learning styles, the specific needs of the individual are evaluated in the context of one's developmental history and particular life stage, and assessment aims to identify particular strengths and struggles with academics, social-emotional interactions or school behaviors. Comprehensive psycho-educational assessments follow up-to-date best practices and formal standardized tests and documentation of specific learning disorders or differences are accepted by global universities to help tailor education programs for enrolled or prospective students. Additionally, our specialists provide advice to educators on how to use a variety of instructional approaches to optimize students' strengths, remediate their weaknesses and develop the skills necessary to achieve and succeed in an ever-changing and competitive world.

Our multi-cultured clinicians and educators recognize the impact of cultural background and environment on the development of the individual and assessments consider such diversity when diagnosing and designing recommendations. Differentiation between behaviors influenced by cultural or education diversity, specific learning disorders, pervasive developmental disorders or other cognitive impairments is of utmost importance to us and can make a significant difference in the lives of many students. In collaboration with regional educators and mental health professionals, we strive to provide the most accurate assessments and develop quality recommendations to help people achieve their intellectual pursuits with joy and readiness. Assessments and diagnoses available for infants, young children, adolescents and adults.