Meet Us

Dr. Deema L. Sihweil


Clinical Director

Licensed in Washington D.C. and Dubai Privacy Policy

+971 4 584 4294 | +971 4 453 9810

About Me

I am an Arab-American Clinical Psychologist and have been practicing for over 20 years in the fields of Clinical Psychology and Special Education. I have lived and studied in Europe, the Middle East and the United States prior to pursuing my private practice in Dubai over one decade ago. It is through expatriate living that I have come to learn about the significance of how culture, religion, education, customs and traditions shape our lives. I work with people of all ages who suffer from a wide range of serious psychological disorders, or problems in living, and have special interests and extensive experience working with couples and families from various cultures and at different life stages who struggle with communication problems, relationship/marital conflict, intimacy issues, family or parenting disputes, mediation or divorce.

My secondary special education training also enhances my work as a Clinical Psychologist for the entire family. As a specialist in Specific Learning Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorders and other academic or developmental delays, I offer comprehensive psychological and educational consultations and assessments for individuals identified as having learning differences and may require special needs provisions to optimize their academic, professional and personal lives. I work closely with government entities, other mental health clinics, schools and families and help design teacher training workshops and individualized education programs for children of all ages who may struggle in school, at home, in the workplace, or in their relationships.

Therapeutic Approach

I understand the sometimes sensitive nature of sharing one’s life story or the difficulties that one may face and the courage it takes to seek professional support. In a highly discrete and homely atmosphere, individuals and families are invited to share their unique histories and explore whatever ails them without judgment or prejudice of any kind. Through a collaborative relationship, my integrative view on mental health is culturally sensitive and tailored to meet the needs of each individual. My extensive training in neuropsychology, psychodynamic/psychoanalytic theory, conflict resolution and education affords me a broad framework of knowledge and skill in helping people face the challenges that global learning and living can have on well-being. With compassion and acceptance we cultivate greater insight into your well-being and develop the skill-set needed to help you resolve conflicts and navigate through the challenges at any stage of your life. I encourage people to identify the opportunities in difficult times and guide them toward everlasting change for more abundant living and peace of mind.

Educational and Professional Background

I graduated from George Washington University’s Professional Psychology Program in Washington D.C., where I obtained clinical training in psychodynamic and complementary therapies. Following intensive academic training, I completed my internship at The Catholic University of America’s Counseling Center and acquired supervised experience in cognitive behavioral and interpersonal therapies. I then pursued two more years of post-doctoral clinical training at Georgetown University’s Counseling and Psychiatry Services, and at George Washington University’s Clinical Psychology Program and Community Mental Health Center Clinic. At the same time, I launched my private practice and provided psychotherapy for the international community of Washington D.C.

As a foundation for solid training in Clinical Psychology, I obtained my master’s degree in Special Education at The American University in Washington D.C. I studied the impact of learning and cognition on mental health and taught children from all over the world who attended the Lab School of Washington D. C., an internationally recognized special education school for students with developmental and learning differences.

In 2007, I moved to Dubai to be closer to family and pursued my interests in working on an international level. I first served as the Director of Clinical Services of a well-established mental health facility where I supervised all practitioners at the center, while maintaining a full case load of private clients. I then decided to broaden my career and developed a small boutique psychology practice. Housed at the Carbone Clinic, a world-renowned center for children with special needs, I founded The Psychology Center, a comprehensive multi-cultural practice of experts in psychology. I currently serve as the Clinical Director of both the Carbone Clinic and The Psychology Center.